Hye peeps..
Tuesday, 24th March.
C Karau, Nisa, a gal from ITB n her bf (i dun know her name), my bf n I went to Gdg 2 celebrate c Karau pnya bdy. We ate snow ice!!! Again!!! I ordered Brownies n d rest ordered Nutty. Then we went to TT Blues cafe (my favourite place to eat). I ate a lot. I usually dun eat that much. I ate spaghetti, garlic bread, lamb satay n chicken satay. After all that food, I was still hungry. Haha..Then otw home, my bf n I went to psr mlm g. Bli FOOOODDD!!!
Wednesday, 25th March.
I didn't go to Uni bcoz I overslept!!! My bf pun overslept th jua plus ketanya kana pakai leh bro nya. Supposed to b kmi ada ICT presentation discussion at 12. But about 5 min to 12, I was still at home waiting my bf to fetch me. Then, dlm kul 12 lalu, bru kn jln. Tym otw, ada tya c Rina texted me..
"cil, jnth kmu dtg. Kmu research sj dulu answer nya,then tne kumpul jwpn2 tne. Btw, kmi nda dtg dialogue session wit d VC"
Great!! Aku otw dh, n c boyfie ada meeting @ 2, so ku nada dgn. So I decided to go shopping instead. We fetched my cuzzie to accompany me. Then, we went to d Mall. We had lunch at Pizza Hut n I ate Beef Lasagna. Yummy!!! Then c boyfie left us sal ada meeting. Plus, ku ne bth mun shopping, krg cian ya tnggu2. So guess wat? I bought a pair of Gladiators d Summit!! Not d real gladiator, but d gladiator shoe. Yg lawa 2..I bought yg warna brown. N I wuld love to have all colours!!! I also bought baju,n some unnecessary things. Hehe. No need 2 mention here. I spent almost ol of my savings. Nasib jua d next 2 days nya allowance kuar. Hehe.
Today, 29th March.
Aku damam!! Waaaa...How can I b sick ryt now wen ku ada millions of work to do. Huh!!! Btw, I am not going to Uni tomorrow. I need rest. So I hope I am getting better..amin.. coz I roly need to finish up my work.
Things to do:
*ICT report on I- Centre
*ICT presentation n report
*ICT test
*Microeconomics group assignment
*English presentation
*Logic test
ICT atu a..ea sj bh..haha.
Till next post
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誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)
著者 *謎解きゼミナール*
[image: 誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)]
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