Monday, 30th March.
No lectures n tutorials- I was MC
Tuesday, 31st March.
No lectures n tutorials- I was MC
Wednesday, 1st April.
I came late, got coffee spilled on my shirt, got coffee stain n smell, had lunch at TT Blues cafe wit syg, Karau, Khal, Rina n Marul, d boys went to play games at d Uni Arcade while d gals went shopping. Spent $35 on that day. SAVE CIL...SAVE!!!!
Thursday, 2nd April.
My syg's bdy. Went to KFC, Qlap mall, watched Fast n Furious 4, Sunset at fishing area.
Saturday, 4th April.
I was supposed to go to Karau's BBQ party. But sdh 3x round drmh nya, ada urg na mau turun psl telampau malu. Sapa kh we went to Gdg instead, Psr Mlm, bought my fav food....lamb chop!!!!
Today, 6th April.
ICT Tutorial was fun..haha..Logic lecture..It was not a lecture plng..went to Mamih for lunch, watched Knowing at Mall. The movie was great, except for the ending. spoil....
Tomorrow, 7th April.
D most tiring day..ada lecture n Muzakarah from 8 am til 3 pm, 1 hr break @ 12 pm. Ada ICT presentation n English presentation.. bowh kadui...kedebak-kedebuk.
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誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)
著者 *謎解きゼミナール*
[image: 誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)]
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