Hye peeps..
Im so tired ryt now. So exhausted. I haven't finish my ICT tutorial questions. I am still doing it. I rily hate tis course. No, not hate. Hate is such a strong word. I dun hate it, i just dun care about it. This subject reminds me of Mr Chong. My compter teacher wen I was in Lower Secondary. It also reminds me of the "LIVE" incident.hehe..I dun wana say d incident here, krg terasa urg *senyum2 arh c Karau*.
Last Thursday, My bf n I went to d Mall, to watch Dragon Ball Evolution. Emm..not bad. I rate it 7/10. Inda jua ku tetido mlyt. But it was ok. But c boyfie was a bit dissapointed about d movie. Al-maklum, peminat setia Dragon Ball. Otw home, mcm2 d kritik nya. I heard he said something about super saiya lah, sepatut nya yg kuat c Roshi (luruskh 2 nmanya a) bkn nya c Goku..n mcm2. No comment..aku hnya mampu tersenyum. Hehe..
I better go now. Im going to have Micro tutorial early in d morning tomorrow..huh..Mls kn bngun awl.
till next post..
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誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)
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