Hye peeps..
Wat have been I doing for d last 3 days? well...
Wednesday, 18th March.
My bf and I went to Seri Qlap to watch Race to Witch Muntain. D movie was ciuk, but ada part ku tetido but It was not bcoz d movie 2 boring, p ku andang mengantuk dr awl dh, b4 d movie starts sdh ku ngantuk. I rate d movie 8/10. Actually, d day b4 atu kmi planning to have a double-movie-date wit c Rina n her boyfie, Marul. But oleh sbb2 yg nda dpt d elakkan, kmi th sj.

Thursday, 19th March.
My bf n I went 2 c a movie lg d Mall. But this tym wit c rina, her bf c marul n Karau aka c Fadzeel. Too bad c Khal na dpt join coz she said ea ada "duty" to do. "Duty" apa, aku pun na tau. So we watched The International. I rate d movie 7/10. I dun understand some parts of d movie. Almost kmi smua na phm lah, c Marul gnya phm. Atu..concentrate bnr ko Marul e. D neva ending assasin movie. Hehe..

Then after tat, kmi shopping. C Marul bwa kmi mkn ice-cream. So kta c Rina y not mkn Snow Ice which was next door to d Mall. It was d 1st tym kmi smua ksna. My bf n I had Black n White, Rina n Marul had a Nutty n c Fadzeel had a Black Heaven. Nyaaaman yoo....nyaman bngat. Except 4 c Fadzeel pnya psl coffeenya strong. Then, Marul decided 2 have one more n we culd share it together. Ea mcm iski o 'sarba' kn mencuba smua..hehe..so he ordered Banana tp nada, so we had Mango. Not bad, nyaman jua lah. Thanx Marul 4 d treat. Nxt tym kmi g blnja a. Do u know that Snow Ice is made of 100% natural from plant? N no matter brapa bnyk kmu mamam snow ice u will not gain any weight. How cool is that?

Then aftr puas ati sdh mendulur liur sorang2, kmi blik smula k Mall. Sekali kmi tjmpa c Kenah. Ea ucp ku ambung. Na ku knl bh ko a Muz. Atupun c Fadzeel yg gto aku ko ada a. Ur appearance has changed. U look different wa, n I almost didnt recognise u babe.
Saturday, 21 March.
Today, ku nda k Uni sal ku MC sendiri2 tanpa kbnaran doctor.hehe..coz I'm having a red eye ryt now. Krg belarian urg takut kejangkitan. Hehe.
Btw, I wuld like to congratulate my FBEPS mate for her wedding tomorrow, JIDURAINA BTE HAJI IBRAHIM dgn bkl suaminya NOR MUHAMMAD IQZAL BIN HAJI ABDUL HAMID. Sorry c Adi n I culd not b there tomorrow sal czn c Adi kawin. F czn nya kwin, czn ku kawin jua, sal nya kmi ane related. SUPRISE!!!! Awu, kmi couple, but kmi related jua, third czn. Iatah mua kmi kn sma 2 x, kna ucp adi beradi n pernah kna ucp kmi ne twins leh senior msa UBD orientation smpai d gmbrnya kmi 2 -3 x. Kmi ani akun2 sj th jua.Haha.. So CONGARATULATIONS N CELEBRATION 2 DURIN!!! Semoga kekal bahagia smpai k ank cucu.AMIN!!!
I think that's all..
Till next post
p/s: next tym g guys a..n this tym c Khal mesti ikut!!! Hehe
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