Hye peeps..
Tuesday, 24th March.
C Karau, Nisa, a gal from ITB n her bf (i dun know her name), my bf n I went to Gdg 2 celebrate c Karau pnya bdy. We ate snow ice!!! Again!!! I ordered Brownies n d rest ordered Nutty. Then we went to TT Blues cafe (my favourite place to eat). I ate a lot. I usually dun eat that much. I ate spaghetti, garlic bread, lamb satay n chicken satay. After all that food, I was still hungry. Haha..Then otw home, my bf n I went to psr mlm g. Bli FOOOODDD!!!
Wednesday, 25th March.
I didn't go to Uni bcoz I overslept!!! My bf pun overslept th jua plus ketanya kana pakai leh bro nya. Supposed to b kmi ada ICT presentation discussion at 12. But about 5 min to 12, I was still at home waiting my bf to fetch me. Then, dlm kul 12 lalu, bru kn jln. Tym otw, ada tya c Rina texted me..
"cil, jnth kmu dtg. Kmu research sj dulu answer nya,then tne kumpul jwpn2 tne. Btw, kmi nda dtg dialogue session wit d VC"
Great!! Aku otw dh, n c boyfie ada meeting @ 2, so ku nada dgn. So I decided to go shopping instead. We fetched my cuzzie to accompany me. Then, we went to d Mall. We had lunch at Pizza Hut n I ate Beef Lasagna. Yummy!!! Then c boyfie left us sal ada meeting. Plus, ku ne bth mun shopping, krg cian ya tnggu2. So guess wat? I bought a pair of Gladiators d Summit!! Not d real gladiator, but d gladiator shoe. Yg lawa 2..I bought yg warna brown. N I wuld love to have all colours!!! I also bought baju,n some unnecessary things. Hehe. No need 2 mention here. I spent almost ol of my savings. Nasib jua d next 2 days nya allowance kuar. Hehe.
Today, 29th March.
Aku damam!! Waaaa...How can I b sick ryt now wen ku ada millions of work to do. Huh!!! Btw, I am not going to Uni tomorrow. I need rest. So I hope I am getting better..amin.. coz I roly need to finish up my work.
Things to do:
*ICT report on I- Centre
*ICT presentation n report
*ICT test
*Microeconomics group assignment
*English presentation
*Logic test
ICT atu a..ea sj bh..haha.
Till next post
Ahad, 29 Mac 2009
Sabtu, 21 Mac 2009

Ahad, 15 Mac 2009
Hye peeps..
Im so tired ryt now. So exhausted. I haven't finish my ICT tutorial questions. I am still doing it. I rily hate tis course. No, not hate. Hate is such a strong word. I dun hate it, i just dun care about it. This subject reminds me of Mr Chong. My compter teacher wen I was in Lower Secondary. It also reminds me of the "LIVE" incident.hehe..I dun wana say d incident here, krg terasa urg *senyum2 arh c Karau*.
Last Thursday, My bf n I went to d Mall, to watch Dragon Ball Evolution. Emm..not bad. I rate it 7/10. Inda jua ku tetido mlyt. But it was ok. But c boyfie was a bit dissapointed about d movie. Al-maklum, peminat setia Dragon Ball. Otw home, mcm2 d kritik nya. I heard he said something about super saiya lah, sepatut nya yg kuat c Roshi (luruskh 2 nmanya a) bkn nya c Goku..n mcm2. No comment..aku hnya mampu tersenyum. Hehe..
I better go now. Im going to have Micro tutorial early in d morning tomorrow..huh..Mls kn bngun awl.
till next post..
Sabtu, 7 Mac 2009
Hye peeps..
u know wat? My but n my left leg is aching like crazy ryt nw..Maybe psl massage 2 x..recovery process perhaps.. I am bored. super duper bored ryt now. I think I'm gping 2 watch DVD later. Tp apa jua kn ku liat a? semua sdh ku ayas. I think I'm going 2 watch 'Mean Girls'
Speaking of mean gals, mseh ada kh msa ne mean gals? All I know is 'Mean couple' ada. Trust me, u dun wanna know. You know wat they remind me of? 'Speidi'. Yup, Heidi n Spencer, d couple from The Hills. C Heidi ne kna brain wash sdh oleh bf nya ne, smpai ppl used to be really close 2 her bnci ea. Her bff, her sister n even her mom. U can be mean to ppl, calling ppl by names, c panjang kh, c itam kh o c volcano kah. wateva..u can say wateva u want. But in d end, every1 will feel sorry 4 u guys because u guys dun have d 1 thing tat u guys can possibly have..that is RESPECT. Ppl won't respect u. Treat other ppl day that u want them 2 treat u. Npa ya ku ckp random things ane kn..astaga..
Anywy..The Hills is back. I heard this is going 2 b last season. More drama, backstabbing, hatred, lies, gudbye, tears..... I watched d trailer last week. nanges ku..It is going 2 b hot!! Can't wait..

ball kicking fail
bike owner fail
faucet design fail

parenting fail
*pictures were taken from http://failblog.org/*
ok nyte2 ppl..off 2 bed now..
Rabu, 4 Mac 2009
..A relaxing day..
Isnin, 2 Mac 2009