Hye peeps...
I am having a break from working on my assignment. It is 10.28 pm n I'm hungry. I have 2 assignments and 1 presentation need 2 be completed b4 d revision week starts. I cant wait 4 d exam 2 start..y? psl aku ggs kn cuti. hehe..seriously..I need break.
I decided 2 specialise in Accounting n Finance. Accounting has been my fav subject dr sjk ku form 4. Since ku na dpt ambil Accounting as my course, Im taking it as my specialise course sj. Jdth kn..Hehe. Anywho..I haven't decide wat elective or option subject should I take 4 d next semester. Yg kna offer nxt semester is Practical Web Design, which I am 100%, witout a doubt not interested kn ngambil. I am not that into IT and Internet stuff. How about Language? Ermm..maybe not..I wanna take subject yg related 2 my course. There is 1 option sbject that Im interested 2 take, International Marketing. 4 unit yo...but i am not sure f dpt ambil o not. Mudahan sj dpt so that I dun have to take web design..f not...paksatah jua ku ambil 2..sacrifice sj )=
Hopefully..by tomorrow..my blue form selesai.
Im signing off now.
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