Hye peeps..
Sorry for the lack of updates. I was so tired and lazy. Hehe. So anyway..uni started already on the 3rd August. I was so excited but now I am more worried than excited. I think my subjects are getting tougher and I am so afraid that I could not make it. But hey..I am not that kind of person who gave up easily.
Oh yea..my bro just flew to Notts. His holiday is over so I hope you manage to finish your work. I cried msa ngantar ia tdi. WTH! I was'nt suppose to cry. Krg ia balik gerenti di nyaya nya ne. Huh..bek ko blikn aku brg abg adib sal aku nangis a.haha..
I feel so sleepy rite now. I better go off to bed plus my class starts at 8 tomorrow.
Jumaat, 7 Ogos 2009
...hello yr 2...
Isnin, 22 Jun 2009

Hye peeps...
Sunday, 21st June 2009.
Happy Belated Father's Day. Sorry lambat. Hehe. On Sunday, we celebrated Father's day sikit2 saja. We had a cake. Yummy!
Monday, 22nd June 2009.
My brother just got back from Nottingham. He is taking his Master in Education di sana. Welcome home bro. He bought me a lot of stuffs. Handbags, purse, cookies, chocolates, sandals and tudongs. Thank you bro for the goodies. Nanti if ko balik sana balikan lagi ah. Hehe. And I want cardigan this time. Hehe.
Tuesday, 23rd June 2009.
I am going to KL today. My flight will be at 7 PM. Honestly, I am not looking forward for this trip because of the swine and because I've been to KL before. I wanna go somewhere that I never been to. Aku tayisliur kan ke Dubai but my Mom inda mau. So mau inda mau, pasksa jua ke KL. I'll be back on Friday. So syg..I am gonna miss you. Btw syg, DO NOT WATCH TRANSFORMERS WITHOUT ME!!! Hehe..
Bah kan tidor ku.
p/s: I went to Bowling Utama yesterday, konon nya kan mencuba main bowling. kan belajar. Tapi nda jadi, pasal apa nah? NDA KU TAHAN!! BEBAU BELACAN AND MASAM AND BAU KAKI. Haha. Betutup hidung ku selajur.
Rabu, 17 Jun 2009
Hye peeps..
Yesterday I watched 17 again at the Mall with syg. The movie is so funny. My verdict would be 8.5/10. After movie, we went to syg's crib to have lunch. After lunch, I checked my hp. There were 4 messages. One from my bro, the other from c Khal and two from my mum. Durang semua betnya apa result ku. Yang ku hairan kan, abg ku yg di Notts atu pulang tau ada result. After that, Syg and I went straight to UBD. Msa otw, kami dua-dua diam. Not even a word. Manakan, kabak-kabak bah. Macam-macam di fikiran. I was worried about my ethics and English. Pasal apa tu nah? Pasal I only attended 2 lectures and 1 tutorial ethics sepanjang semester a. And I did not finish my assignment. So, in my mind, aku fail.
Msa mencek atu, kabak2 jantung ku rasa kan telakap. Ok. Exegerate jua tu a. Hehe. So inda betantu2 lah ku liat result ku atu. Sekajap C, sekajap D. And rupa-rupanya I got B for my overall.
So congrats to those who pass their exam. I think we all did better than last semester. so yeah to us.
Till nxt post
Isnin, 15 Jun 2009
Hye peeps...
Sorry for the lack of updates. Psl apanah? Nada kan di update. Hehe. So I watched Angels and Demons & Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak. Angels and Demons siuk berabis. Although masa awal2 movie atu I was lost sedikit. I was like..bangang berabis-berabisnya. Tapi sudah lama2 paham tia ku. And I cried at the end of the movie. Hehe. Weirdo..
Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak was ok saja. People said that movie is so funny so aku pun tayisliur kan meliat. Well I rate it 5.5/10. I think it was ok saja. It was funny, but not that funny. Hehe apakan. Funny tahap membuat ku tersenyum but not ketawa.
I am thinking of another movie tomorrow. Maybe 17 again x...Please syg..hehe. I can't wait to watch Transformers 2. I'll be in KL time ia premiere. So syg, jangan dulu liat before me a, sama2 tani liat no matter what your friends say. Hehe.
Till next post.
p/s: I miss my frenz.. :(
Jumaat, 29 Mei 2009
Hye peeps..
I am announcing that I am officially jobless right now. Yes..I quit my job. I had that job last year, and I never like it. Being at the office from 8.30 am - 5.30 pm, doing nothing, nda ku tahan eh. Tentu pulang if the boss bagi something to do tu. But workmates are all awesome!!! To my 'ketua', Hj Abd Rahman, you are such a nice person. To my trainer, thanks for mentrain kami yang pemalas ani. Hehe. And to my fren, Dyg Avvy..haha..I am gonna miss you girl. Nada tah dgn mu begossip tu a.
So today I went to the Qlap Mall to watch Terminator Salvation. I rate it 8/10. Siuk lah..but sepanjang movie tu kabak2 ku. Why? psl sound effect nya telampau nyaring. And I forgot to bring my jacket, iatah sajuk!!!
Till next post
p/s: OMG!!! Kristin Cavillari will replace Lauren on The Hills. It is going to be DRAMA!!!!
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
..No Holiday??..
Hye peeps..
Sorry for abandoning this blog. I did not have time to update it because lappy d rmh nada. So how's your holliday so far? Me? zzzzzzzzzzz!!!! I am alone everyday n every night. My 2nd bro is in Scotland right now, ngambil sijil Engineering nya. He will be there for 9 days. I can't wait 4 him to go home because I am so bored to death!!! On the bright side, inda jua banyak laundry kan ku buat. Hehe. And..and most of all...I can't wait to see apa ia balikan aku. Psst..gladiator sandals ah..Hehe.
Oh yeah..I will start working tomorrow. Dimana? Di Qlap and I don't want to mention as apa. I will tell you soon. I really don't know if aku will tahan kraja sana. Coz aku will be off on Sunday saja.Kecian a.Mcm bkn holiday jua. On the other hand, bertambah jua $$ ku. I really want to save some of my allowances because I really need it for di KL nanti.
Bh otei2..kan tidoi ku dulu..