Hye peeps..
Sorry for abandoning this blog. I did not have time to update it because lappy d rmh nada. So how's your holliday so far? Me? zzzzzzzzzzz!!!! I am alone everyday n every night. My 2nd bro is in Scotland right now, ngambil sijil Engineering nya. He will be there for 9 days. I can't wait 4 him to go home because I am so bored to death!!! On the bright side, inda jua banyak laundry kan ku buat. Hehe. And..and most of all...I can't wait to see apa ia balikan aku. Psst..gladiator sandals ah..Hehe.
Oh yeah..I will start working tomorrow. Dimana? Di Qlap and I don't want to mention as apa. I will tell you soon. I really don't know if aku will tahan kraja sana. Coz aku will be off on Sunday saja.Kecian a.Mcm bkn holiday jua. On the other hand, bertambah jua $$ ku. I really want to save some of my allowances because I really need it for di KL nanti.
Bh otei2..kan tidoi ku dulu..
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誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)
著者 *謎解きゼミナール*
[image: 誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)]
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