hey ppl..
so today result kuar..i have not look through d results yet, so my fren c khal (thanx coz lyt kn my result) gto I got C..well not bad..but I know I can do better..I don't know my individual grades..so Imma gonna check that later o tomorrow.. so 2 all my frenz yg pass 2 congrats n to to those who does not do well..na papa 2..try again nxt semester..
Honestly I am not really sure if I am satisfied with my result but one thing in my mind..starting next semester I won't skip my lectures and I won't do any last minute revision lagi..so lesson learnt!!
so ptg td @ 4, ada driving lesson..adalah improvement sikit2 compare 2 d 1st lesson naik bandul..haha..mseh lg takut bh kn migang krita a..so I hope I can do it..Chayo2!!!!
well that's all..till next post..
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誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)
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[image: 誰もが気になっていた空港の大疑問 (KAWADE夢文庫)]
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