Hye peeps...
Sunday, 21st June 2009.
Happy Belated Father's Day. Sorry lambat. Hehe. On Sunday, we celebrated Father's day sikit2 saja. We had a cake. Yummy!
Monday, 22nd June 2009.
My brother just got back from Nottingham. He is taking his Master in Education di sana. Welcome home bro. He bought me a lot of stuffs. Handbags, purse, cookies, chocolates, sandals and tudongs. Thank you bro for the goodies. Nanti if ko balik sana balikan lagi ah. Hehe. And I want cardigan this time. Hehe.
Tuesday, 23rd June 2009.
I am going to KL today. My flight will be at 7 PM. Honestly, I am not looking forward for this trip because of the swine and because I've been to KL before. I wanna go somewhere that I never been to. Aku tayisliur kan ke Dubai but my Mom inda mau. So mau inda mau, pasksa jua ke KL. I'll be back on Friday. So syg..I am gonna miss you. Btw syg, DO NOT WATCH TRANSFORMERS WITHOUT ME!!! Hehe..
Bah kan tidor ku.
p/s: I went to Bowling Utama yesterday, konon nya kan mencuba main bowling. kan belajar. Tapi nda jadi, pasal apa nah? NDA KU TAHAN!! BEBAU BELACAN AND MASAM AND BAU KAKI. Haha. Betutup hidung ku selajur.